Social Activist Rubia Garcia Continues To Inspire People From All Walks Of Life

Posted by Valentine Belue on Friday, May 31, 2024

Rubia Garcia is a well known teacher in Louisiana who has readily been seen as an inspiring internet personality for her talks about the importance of black lives, the ignorance of bigoted people, and the social construct that prevents people from truly being themselves.

Her most well known (recent) video went viral for all the right reasons where she discusses her role in teaching predominant black schools.

She states in one portion of the video:

I teach young black males and I try to teach them to live outside of their circumstances and to say you know what, doesn’t matter where you come from, you can be anything the hell you want to be. But it’s really hard, once they leave the classroom and then they step outside into the world and it’s the complete opposite of everything that I try to teach them, inside of it.

She ends in almost tears saying that change must happen and that you must educate yourself about these kinds of circumstances because they cross the boundaries of life and death.

Her positive influence and great social activism around the state of Louisiana earned her a nominee for Teacher of the Year. Garcia still regularly posts via Facebook and has recently started a GoFundMe account for her classroom.

In part of her heartwarming post she states:

It is our duty to provide them the tools they need to be successful. Underfunding in our schools is nothing new to us, but come hell or high water- we must rise above. This a is our calling, remember that. Be mindful of the fact that sometimes they will need things that aren’t listed in our job description. Those extra miles will make the difference of you teaching for a paycheck and teaching for a purpose. It will show you whether you look at this career as a job or a profession. There are clear distinctions.
Your scholars will know your decision long before you come to the realization. This profession isn’t for the faint of heart. You have to love it… and if you do- they will take notice and love you eternally for it.
At the request of some, I have created this GoFundMeAccount for my classroom. Money will go towards school supplies, classroom necessities, academic materials, sponsorships for student budgets (field trips, graduation, etc), school uniforms\ clothes, hygiene products, rewards, transportation (bus tickets), and necessities that arise as needed.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us… But what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
Thank YOU and stay blessed up!

To donate and learn more about the cause, click here!

In addition, if you want to keep up with the inspiring teacher, you can follow her on Facebook today to stay updated (click here!)

Her constant dedication to teach others and educate people about the difficult times we live in is mightily important and it’s easy to applaud all the acts of generosity and kindness she has given to a younger generation that might at times need inspiration and motivation.

It does not matter what your skin color is, what age you are, where you come from, etc. You can bring change in any way. Speak out, be brave, and hold your head high.

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